Home Lifestyle Embrace Pregnancy Comfort: Your Guide to Positioning for a Joyful Birth.

Embrace Pregnancy Comfort: Your Guide to Positioning for a Joyful Birth.

by Dr Laura Brooks
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Bringing your baby into the world is a remarkable journey, filled with wonder and excitement. As you prepare for this incredible moment, it’s essential to understand how your body is designed to give birth and how you can make this experience as natural and empowered as possible. Let’s explore the concept of birth positioning in a friendly and straightforward way.

The Perfect Baby Position

The best position for your baby during birth is when their head is facing downwards, with the back of the head and spine toward your front left side. Picture it as your little one getting ready for their grand entrance! As labor progresses, your baby’s body will gently rotate, aligning the head with your symphysis pubis (the bone at the front of your pelvis), and then the head will emerge.

However, sometimes babies have different plans. If your baby’s head is facing your right side, they might need to do a bit of a “long turn” within your pelvis to reach the ideal position. Occasionally, they might even stall with their head against your sacrum, which can make labor longer and more challenging. We call this an “occiput posterior presentation.” 

(Taken and absolutely credited to the SpinningBabies.com website – an absolutely invaluable source for any pregnant woman or birth worker. Please check it out – https://www.spinningbabies.com/ )

When Does Baby Choose Their Position?

Babies are little explorers in the womb, moving around freely throughout pregnancy. Somewhere around 35-37 weeks, they typically settle into the position they prefer for birth.

But why do some babies choose less-than-ideal positions? Surprisingly, your posture and movement throughout pregnancy play a role. How you sit and move can influence where your baby decides to settle in your pelvis.

Posture Matters

Our modern, sedentary lifestyles often encourage us to slouch or sit in positions that don’t support the best baby positioning. It’s all too easy to sink into the comfort of your favorite chair or car seat, which can misalign your pelvis and make it cozier for your baby to turn posterior or breech.

To promote the right positioning, aim to sit with your pelvis tilted forward and your lower spine curved gently forward. Keep your knees lower than your hips, and avoid crossing your legs or sitting on them. Try sitting at the front edge of your chair or using well-inflated birth balls and Swedish kneeling chairs to help maintain this posture.

Stay Active and Mobile

During long car rides or extended periods of sitting, take breaks to move and stretch. A figure-eight hip motion is fantastic for keeping your pelvis flexible and encouraging your baby to settle into the anterior position, the ideal choice for birth.

Pelvic rocks, where you arch your spine and then allow it to curve forward, can strengthen your lower back muscles, relax your uterus, and create more room for your baby. You can even incorporate crawling into your daily routine for optimal positioning.

Previous Trauma and Balance

Past physical injuries or accidents, like falls, twists, or sports-related strains, can affect your spinal alignment and pelvic balance. These imbalances can lead to tension in the ligaments connected to your uterus, making it harder for your baby to get into the best position.

I’m a chiropractor, so of course I’m going to talk about the benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy. 🙂 Research shows that seeing a chiropractor whilst you’re pregnant can safely help realign your pelvis and improve the function of nerves, muscles, and ligaments, ensuring a smoother pregnancy and birth.

Movement During Labor

Even if your baby starts in an optimal position, things can change during labor. It’s like a dance between you and your baby as you discover the best movements and positions for a safe and easier birth experience.

Simple actions like standing up if you’ve been lying down, taking a walk if you’ve been sitting still, or gently rotating your hips can help this dance unfold. Many of the techniques mentioned earlier for pregnancy can also be used during labor, offering various options to balance your pelvis and assist your baby’s descent. As a pregnancy trained chiropractor, I love to show these moves to my patients, and they’re very safe to do at home! Consider movements like Belly sifting or Rebozo, which involves a partner gently supporting your stomach with a scarf or shawl whilst you’re on all fours. Your partner then gently moves the shawl back and forth – most pregnant women find this support so delicious.  

If baby fails to descend during labour, consider using props such as gentle hip circles on an exercise ball, or the use of a peanut ball to help to open up the pelvis. Youtube can be a valuable resource to be prepared before the big event, or I can send you through videos – send me an email!  Drlaura@drlaurabrooks.com

Listen to Your Body

Remember, this journey is a partnership between you and your baby. Trust your inner wisdom and follow your body’s cues. By supporting your physiology and embracing your body’s natural abilities, you can create a birthing experience that’s safe, empowering, and unforgettable.

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Dr Laura Brooks - Holistic Women's Health

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